Michigan school district budgets have more variables than the state has lakes.
Each of those variables can swing your budget projections wildly off course. This can lead to financial surprises with severe ramifications and damage to district credibility.​
You shouldn't have time to build all those models for all the different scenarios - so we do it for you.
The history of budgeting for Michigan public schools teaches us mainly to be prepared for the unexpected. When it comes to the School Aid Fund, the tale does not wag the dog. Local district's are at the mercy of Lansing lawmakers and who have their own timetable.​
Local school boards need to stay on top of the wide range of financial possibilities. What will the Foundation Allowance be? How will our enrollment change? What cost increases can we expect in health care? In supplies? In purchased services?
Michigan Benchmark's Budget Modeling Service helps school boards and administrators understand the range of possibilities across the near endless array of variable permutations. Does the administration have time to model all of those scenarios? Of course they don't. But that doesn't mean it should not be done.
That is why this service can save your district from the risk of multi-million dollar mistakes and the countless hours it would take your financial staff to build every budget scenario. Get peace of mind and make the best decisions for your students and staff by leveraging Michigan Benchmark's Budget Modeling Service.